Face of Israel Mirrors Its Nefarious Heart of Zionism

Haaretz regularly and boldly runs articles that report the truth about Apartheid Israel.

A New Low: The Israelis Advocating to Starve the People of Gaza

An Orgy of Jewish Supremacy and Antidemocratic Euphoria, Encouraged by Netanyahu

Netanyahu’s Silence Is Paving the Way to Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza

Ethnic Cleansing in God’s Name: The Only Israelis With a Plan for the ‘Day After’ in Gaza

These articles and countless more require few words to summarize what they describe. Only evil, hate filled, murderous, and racist can capture these intentions, voiced not only on the streets of the Apartheid state but at the very core of its governing regime.

Today, such words describing the nature of Israel will be viewed by most as extreme. Tomorrow, in a future that is sane, they will be seen as truth by everyone. Why did we not see the truth back then?

Fortunately, though they are still few in numbers, there are some who do see the truth today, courageously calling it out loud and clear. In a report in Haaretz, Israeli activist Netta Ben Porat uses the word as she recounts how she and other Israelis physically use their bodies to protect Palestinians from settler violence and ethnic cleansing:

“In 2021, I joined a group of people who were escorting shepherds in the West Bank. Two settlers on motorcycles showed up and drove through the flock to scare the sheep. I was stunned, I simply couldn’t believe it. Today something like that is almost amusing – it’s nothing. But the evil simply shocked me. After a little while, I began to go there once a week.”

If Ben Porat felt a mere terrorism with motorcycles was evil, what word can describe what we see today, and also what is intended in the headlines above?

The word evil appears four times on the article page in Haaretz: used once by Ben Porat in the article itself, and 3 times in the comments section by three different commenters. The word is unavoidable when witnessing what is being committed against Palestinians. It pops into the mind involuntarily and ineluctably, coming to consciousness unbidden, as easily and irrefutably as does the answer to 2+2. It is time to see the evil and name it for what it is.

In November of 2021, whilst harvesting olives with Palestinian farmers, Ben Porat was viciously attacked with a club spiked with a nail, wielded by a settler youth. She bled profusely and required several stitches to her head. She has been attacked many times since, and beaten on occasion by Israeli police. Haaretz asked why she continues her activism:

“I truly feel terrible guilt. In the name of my security, we are inflicting terrible wrongs on innocent people, simple people. We are destroying communities. Almost everyone I accompanied no longer lives in the place where I was with them. We are destroying an entire culture systematically and rapidly – finishing people off. And I am funding it. I earn a lot of money, and this is what the taxes I pay are doing. Everyone is mobilized for this purpose: the police, the soldiers, the judicial system, the state prosecution and the judges. This is the country. This is me.”

This is the country. This is Apartheid Israel. Clearly Ben Porat does not want to be part of it. “We are few and we are standing against the State of Israel. But I can’t do otherwise,” says Ben Porat. “I don’t do it out of pity or because I love Palestinians. I do it because it’s hard for me to accept what we [Israelis] are doing – it’s hard for me to accept what has become of us.”

This and many other testimonies remind us that it is not Jews who are calling for the massacre of a people whose Homeland was stolen in their name. The chilling eliminationist rhetoric and attempted extermination of Palestinians through occupation, bombing, starvation, exposure and disease come straight from the ideological heart of Israel, set beating 77 years ago by its Zionist founders. It is they, along with the Zionists who govern the Apartheid state today, and the Israeli citizens and violent settlers who support them, as well as the Israel-Zionist lobby in the USA, who alone are guilty of these crimes against humanity.

Jews all over the world must not allow the willful evil we see before us to sully their name. They must courageously raise their voice, joining those among them already raising their voices and denouncing Israel and Zionism, in some cases risking their lives as with Ben Porat. Jews as a collective must re-awaken to their ancient tradition of humanity and compassionate being, before their name is irrevocably smeared with the guilt of those who use it to justify such heartless crimes. That would be a disaster for Jews and Judaism, confirming in the minds of those who hate Jews that they were right all along.

The message should be made clear: Zionism is not Judaism, though it has tried very hard to make us believe that it is.

“We came to Israel, we left from Palestine.”

Israelism, a documentary by two young American Jews raised to unconditionally love Israel, shows how other young Jews similarly indoctrinated are waking up to the reality of the Apartheid State.

Screenings: https://www.israelismfilm.com/screenings

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9636732/?ref_=vp_close

For Sale in Gaza

Israelis, to steal our land,

You need kill not us alone, but your humanity.

Before you flatten our olives,

Crush our houses,

Shred our bodies,

You must first shred every strand of decency,

Flatten every tower of compassion,

Smoother every voice of reason.

And then,

Cleansed, Cleared, Colonised,

The Three Cs of Israel stamped on Gaza,

Aside the shimmering Sea ahead and bright,

A compassionless wilderness stretching before you,

In your villas overlooking,

As beneath our bodies lie.

You may take our land, or keep your humanity.

But both, that is denied you.

Israeli President Herzog’s Lesson on Neighbourliness

Speaking at the Jan 2024 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, President Herzog of Israel stated that he wanted a better future for the Palestinians, who, he said, “are our neighbours”.

One must admit that Israel appears to be doing its level best in fulfilling this aspiration. It has only killed 25,000 of its neighbours in the last three months. As we have been told on numerous occasions, the death toll could be much worse if Israel, who has the world’s most moral army, did not observe the rules of war, among which are the principle of proportionate response and the safeguarding of civilians.

Well done Israel and President Herzog. It is clear that far from relating to your neighbours with “polite indifference”, as the Zionist Ze’ev Jabotinsky advised in his settler-colonial blueprint The Iron Wall, you are in fact going the extra mile and “showering” Palestinians with your particular brand of neighbourliness.

In an affectionate personal touch, President Herzog also signed an artillery shell before it was fired at his neighbours. With such attention and thoughtfulness to detail, who would not want Israel as neighbour?

Israel, the Ultimate in Wind-up Gadgetry

There are two kinds of states: those that need propping up lest they collapse, and those that are self-perpetuating.

For the majority of history up until roughly the Second World War, the division of the Earth’s surface into recognised states (or kingdoms and empires as they were better known prior to the concept of the modern state) was fluid. Kingdoms came and went, empires rose and fell, with only a relatively few managing to survive for centuries and in rare cases millennia.

Not until we reach medieval times do we see the first signs of long-term stability, and not until after the industrial revolution does that stability gather force and become more widespread. And the aftermaths of both World Wars see the creation of many more independent states, many in the Middle and Far east, such as Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Israel and Pakistan.

In our modern era of a well established and more or less stable geographical division of the Earth’s surface into nation states, the self-perpetuating state is by far the overwhelming variety. There have been a few cases in modern times when countries – for example, Rhodesia and Somaliland – have gone bust so to speak, to vanish forever off the face of the Earth (with a resulting increase in the worth of their postage stamps). But, generally, the roughly 200 odd countries that currently exist have been around a while, and most do not look likely to be going anywhere soon. Most importantly, few have their legitimacy in question (which is to skate over the argument that many, if not all states are illegitimate, since the concept of statehood is arguably invalid), and few among them face any serious challenge to their continuation. There are disputes a-plenty, with political wrangles and physical skirmishes over bits of territory deemed to belong to one or other state. But essentially, more or less, the country map of the world is not likely to change much in future.

However, though much change in the global map is unlikely, some change is quite likely. China may reclaim Taiwan (quite likely), Russia may subsume Ukraine once more (not so likely), the Greek Cypriots may succeed in shaking off Turkey’s hold (who knows), and Israel may implode (a near certainty.)

Of course, here we are interested only in the Apartheid state of Israel, which has existed for less than a century yet has managed to keep an entire region profitably at war for all of that time.

And therein lies the key to Israel’s future. As long as Israel is profitable, it will survive. The question to ask, however, is profitable for whom? The answer is of course obvious, which is the countries that use Israel as a means to interfere in the region, as well as the Israeli and Zionist elites that gain power and wealth through Israel’s existence. Israel’s existence would not have come about had the interest in imposing it on the region was simply the safety of Jews. In the minds of those who paved the way – namely, Britain and later the USA, there were greater interests than helping Jews who, let us remember, the West had not stopped persecuting for thousands of years. Britain “viewed with favour the creation of a Jewish state” because 1) many in Britain wished rid of their Jews, and 2) the Zionists made it abundantly clear they would “kick-back” benefits to Britain, which at that time was beginning to take a leading role in controlling Middle East oil. Later, the USA would take on the role of supporting Israel once its existence had been imposed on the region in 1947, and till today American tax dollars lavish tens of billions in finance, military hardware, and munitions on the Apartheid state. This is not to mention the potent political leverage that the USA exercises on behalf of Israel, vetoing UN resolutions that could help Palestinians escape persecution and occupation, and protecting Israeli officials from criminal prosecution at the International Court of Justice.

The long and short of the argument here – which is by no means scientific or scholarly, but nonetheless rests intuitively on the strong evidence we daily see before us – is that Israel is propped up. Without the aid, military support, exceptionalism, and protection from criminal prosecution, to say nothing of the deference to powerful Zionist interests and fear of being called an antisemite should anyone dare to criticise, Israel continues, like a wind-up clock, sustained by the hands that turn the crank. To the West it is a tool, an instrument, a gadget of regional control, and should those hands tire or find something more profitable to prop-up, or, heaven forbid, develop a conscience, Israel is left not just high and dry but winding down. It cannot sustain itself no matter how smart its tech industry, no matter how clever its academics and corporate leaders. The Israeli Apartheid regime knows this, and it is why it has sought alliances with Arab states, in particular with the fellow oppressive regime in Saudi Arabia. If it could normalise permanently with the wider Arab world whilst completely marginalising the Palestinians, its future is better assured, especially as the West grows tired of propping up and apologising for its criminality.

As Western interests in the region wane over the coming decades, and their complicity and support wind down, without strong regional alliances the Zionist state is doomed (Jews, however, are not, let us be clear on that). This is why, whatever you might think of it, the attack on October 7 was a logical move for Hamas. What will come of it in the short term is not important. Even if Israel manages to resuscitate the so-called Abraham Accords which began to normalise relations with Arab states, in the long-term Israel has been exposed for what it is – a genocidal apartheid state – and no amount of alliances will protect it from that. We saw what happened to the vicious apartheid regime in South Africa. In today’s world, even with all its flaws and injustices and conflicts, apartheid and “on-air genocide” are unsustainable.

Is Israel a Nazi State?

By Hypothetical News reporter, Ifit Wereso

Is Israel Guilty Of Apartheid Against Palestinians?

The Coalition for Naming Injustice (CNI) has recently issued guidelines on how to respond to the guidelines on antisemitism issued by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). In its “working definition of antisemitism” (presumably designated as “working” such that, should these definitions be successfully shown as unfounded and politically motivated, it can be reviewed and amended without loss of face), the IHRA has advised, and some would argue all but decreed, that “drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis” is antisemitic.

The CNI had this to say in a statement issued today with regard to the increasingly difficult task of trying to avoid comparisons between Israel and Nazi Germany:

“We advise that, though it is difficult in the face of what we see being done to Palestinians by Israel, for the time being campaigners for justice for Palestinians should leave comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany to Israelis and Jews themselves, of which there are an increasing number (Israel’s Government Has neo-Nazi Ministers. It Really Does Recall Germany in 1933 ; Ex-IDF general likens military control of West Bank to Nazi Germany)

“We further advise that in order to avoid false accusation under the IHRA’s weaponised form of antisemitism, those campaigning against Israeli apartheid occupation, oppression, and genocide simply refer to Israel as a nasty state. Few who are familiar with justice will disagree this is an apt description of a state that, as Israeli journalist Gideon Levy says, “treats Palestinians like animals”. And that it is, as a result, a very nasty state indeed.

Gideon Levy at the National Press Club, speaking on the loss of hope in Israel’s behaviour

At the time of writing, nearly 20,000 Palestinians, among them 8000 children and 5000 women, have been murdered by the Israeli Offensive Forces in Gaza.

Lies into Truth: Zionism’s Great Achievement

One distinct feature of Zionism is not only its supremacist-racist underpinnings, but its consummate ability to turn lies into perceived truths. As the malign Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels proclaimed, if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it.

Zionists have successfully mastered this dark art, filtering their lies via various efficient means into the public consciousness. The most notorious and pernicious of these lies is the slogan “a land without a people for a people without a land”, denying Palestinian existence as part of Zionism’s attempt to erase them. Aside from much scholarly work disproving this lie, a very accessible, powerful exposure and rebuttal is to be found in the courageous testimonies and analysis by a number of Jews and Palestinians in the book A Land With a People: Palestinians and Jews Confront Zionism.

Fortunately, as with all anti-human and inhumane ideologies, Zionism contains the seeds of its own destruction. Zionism’s first and principal crime is the slow genocide and ethnic cleansing mercilessly conducted against the Palestinians. But Zionism’s second, less known, though no less abhorrent crime is the sullying of the reputation of Jews as a collective, many of whom stand with Palestinians in their struggle for justice. In a chilling and sinister reality, Zionism has unwittingly brought apparent truth to the lies of antisemites. That is what antisemites can now exploit, correctly comparing Israel to a fascist entity but wrongly and maliciously exploiting this to attack Jews, claiming they were right all along in their distrust and loathing for Jews. In the antisemite’s distorted vision, Jews are a merciless, hateful people whose ultimate aim is world domination, towards which Israel was the first step. What they have done to the Palestinians is what they will eventually do to others who stand in their way.

The persecution and genocide we witness in Gaza since October 7, and the ethnic cleansing being planned by the neo-Nazi ministers in control of Israel – who are so confident in their power as to state their genocidal aims openly – is the wake-up call for Jews. In the face of such crimes against humanity, happening now and being planned for the future, it can only be a question of time before more Jews – and there are many already, though not nearly enough – will realise the grievous harm done to both them and Palestinians by the violent, supremacist ideology of Zionism.

As the renowned Israeli historian Ilan Pappe clearly explains, we are witnessing the beginning of the end, and it can really only be a question of time before Israel ceases to be. Its demise not at the hands of a subjugate people who lack even a fraction of the might necessary for the task, but by its own internal contradictions that place land before people, Jewishness before democracy, and Jews before and above Palestinians.

Parthenon Sculptures and Palestinian Liberation

It is only a question of time before the Parthenon sculptures are restored to their rightful owners. A clear indication of this eventual restoration of justice lies in the increasing divergence between ever more intransigent posturing by the British government, and the mounting public voice in favour of their return.

A similar dynamic is now in play with regard to Palestine. As the former Israeli peace negotiator Daniel Levy observes, on the one hand the impunity afforded by Western governments to Israel’s occupation and oppression of Palestinians has led to ever more outrageous violations of Palestinian rights; yet, simultaneously on the other, because these rights are so blatantly violated, public opinion and support for Israel has plummeted. Eventually, the divergence will be so great as to set into motion a protest movement on the scale of that which led to the eventual collapse of apartheid in South Africa.

It is the combination, on the one hand, of systematic oppression and violence by corrupt states, and their tolerance by allies otherwise able to put a stop to them; and on the other, the outrage of principled ordinary folk that eventually brings about change.

As with the current dynamic surrounding the Parthenon sculptures, a similar dynamic, driven by concerted activism as with South Africa, will eventually see Palestine both restored and transformed into a land where Jews, Muslims, and Christians once again live together as one people in one land. As they had once done before Zionism destroyed that existence.

Daniel Levy interview with Middle East Eye

Palestine-Israel Shorts: wiping off the map

The hasbara of the Zionists in apartheid Israel must surely be wearing thin even for them.

Recently, it did not take much for Israel to accuse no less than the Prime Ministers of both Spain and Belgium of supporting terrorism, after each made comments at a press conference on the situation in Gaza.

Speaking near the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and his Belgian counterpart Alexander de Croo laid the blame for the suffering of Palestinian civilians in Gaza on Israel, with Sánchez calling for European Union recognition of a Palestinian state, saying Spain might do so on its own. De Croo said that “A military operation needs to respect international humanitarian law. The killing of civilians needs to stop now. Way too many people have died. The destruction of Gaza is unacceptable,” adding that, “We cannot accept that a society is being destroyed the way it is being destroyed,”

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen lashed out at the two leaders, condemning “the false claims of the prime ministers of Spain and Belgium who give support to terrorism,” claiming that “Israel is acting according to international law.”

So there it is. Hasbara in action once again, targetted at world leaders. A few weeks into the Israeli assault on Gaza, Israel attacked the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres for pointing out that the Hamas attack of October 7 “did not happen in a vacuum”. For this, he was accused by Israel of “vile antisemitic speech” and of justifying the alleged terrorism by Hamas. (See, for example, the BBC’s policy on not calling terrorist those whom some consider militants and freedom fighters).

The problem Zionists face in their publicly stated goal of eradicating Hamas – like so much vermin – is that people know the truth. Hamas’s charter may say it wants to wipe Israel off the map, but the facts tell us that Zionists have already wiped Palestine off the map, and since have not stopped trying to wipe Palestinians from their native lands. (Furthermore, unlike the extreme far right Zionists, of which there are many currently in the Israeli regime, Hamas’s charter categorically does not call for harm to Jews or for forcing them out of Palestine. Indeed, Article 16 of the 2017 Charter states: “Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project and not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish, but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine.”).

Truth will out, and is coming out. Unwittingly, Zionists hasten Israel’s self-inflicted demise as they attempt to bury the truth and smear everyone who states it.

It can no longer be denied that in its current Zionist guise, Israel is a criminal state founded on ethnic cleansing and apartheid, and it continues to murder, oppress and dispossess an innocent people for the purpose of stealing more of their land. That is the truth, and it is time to tell it as it is.

Jews will need to renounce the supremacism proclaimed by Zionism on their behalf, and learn to live with Palestinians and Arabs peacefully and respectfully, as Jews had done for millennia, before European Zionism destroyed that ancient coexistence for the benefit of a very few.

Jewish Woman Shows That Palestinians Should Not Dispair

Standing with a placard bearing the words “JEWS SAY CEASEFIRE NOW”, a Jewish woman protesting the genocide in Gaza is verbally assaulted by two other Jewish women, counter-protesting in support of Israel.

Pro-Israel protesters to a Jewish pro-Palestine activist: “I wish they’ll rape you alive”

The verbal assault is difficult to watch, feeling almost as if the woman with the placard is actually undergoing a physical attack. She not only stands her ground with immense dignity, but also clearly states the truths that the two women attacking her either do not know or have chosen to deny.

As the very disturbing verbal abuse is hurled at her, the woman protesting for Palestinian rights responds by listing the crimes and human rights violations committed by Israel, saying at one point that “Israel controls whether they have water”, before being cut off by one of the pro-Israel supporters who shouts, “we generously give them water.” To this, the woman suffering the abuse simply answers, “It’s their land that was taken from them”, going on to state that 400 Palestinian villages were destroyed in the 1948 Nakba.

If there is anything that shows that Palestinians should not despair and lose hope, it is this woman and the many, many other Jews doing the same, at times with great risk to themselves. Jews who not only know the truth, but speak it, fearlessly and steadfastly. Without the Jewish voice, Zionism cannot be exposed and defeated for the racist, supremacist ideology it is. And if Zionism is not defeated and consigned to the shameful litany of 20th century ethnoviolent ideologies, there will be neither liberation for Palestinians nor peace for all between the river and the sea.

Palestinians need to recognize that their struggle is not simply about liberation and human rights – not even, not at this late stage; it is about defeating Zionism, which is enemy to both them and Jews. Those two pitiful women hurling unrepeatable abuse are indeed not to be hated, and instead should be seen, as no doubt the courageous woman and target of their abuse sees them, as victim-products of Zionism. Palestinians must recognise their struggle is neither complete nor assured of success unless it unites with that of Jews, such that the two are indistinguishable.

And just as Jews fight for Palestinians rights, Palestinians must fight with Jews against antisemitism.